When to call triple zero (000)
- central or crushing chest pain lasting more than 10 minutes
- unconsciousness or a seizure (fit)
- severe difficulty breathing or turning blue
- severe bleeding or inability to control bleeding with pressure
- sudden inability to move or speak, or sudden facial drooping
- the effects of a severe accident.
Call triple zero (000) immediately.
Did you know the Australian Govt has a website called “Health Direct” where you can get free medical advice? You can also use their “Symptom Checker” and click through a series of symptoms to gain possible causes and medical conditions. Of course, we always recommend you seek medical advice from your GP but think this is another great resource if you wish to do some of your own research.
You can try the Symptom Checker here Healthdirect Symptom Checker | healthdirect
Perhaps you want to know more about medications you are taking, or medications you have stored? You can gain a wealth of information about medicines here Medicines | healthdirect
You can also find available health / medical services in your area Find a health service | healthdirect
I find the best thing about Health Direct is that it is AUSTRALIAN and from a reliable source, the Australian Govt. rather than a private business that may have other motives.
I recommend you save the link on your computer/device for a quick, easy and reliable health reference for yourself or those you care about.
Please also remember that if you have a medical condition and you were involved in an accident or medical incident you can greatly assist those treating you by wearing or carrying Emergency ID medical alerts.