Engraving Advice

All Emergency ID is engraved in clearly visible BLACK LASER text.

(black print was introduced on 1st July 2021 – when we invested in a state of the art high tech new engraving machine).

Large Emergency ID medallion engraving example of medical alerts and emergency info

Engraving advice

Capitalise your SURNAME, so it is clear which is your surname, emergency services often do this to differentiate between first and surnames. Eg. Garry GRAHAM.

Feel free to use clear abbreviations eg T2 Diabetic or T2 Diabetes, instead of the full word of Type 2 Diabetic.

NO Morphine with NO capitalised to make it very clear they can’t have morphine, as opposed to just Morphine – as this may mean they are taking morphine.

Or you could word it as ALLERGY to Morphine. ANAPHYLAXIS to Morphine. Or even say how Morphine affects you ie Morphine = Skin Rash.

All items are custom engraved to suit the wearer’s needs, FREE of charge. We recommend you have engraved your most URGENT information as a 1st priority. Keep engraving short, clear and simple as a great IMMEDIATE & instant reference.

How much can be engraved on each item depends on your chosen style – some styles have more space to engrave than others, engraving spaces available are listed on each style.

I.C.E – In Case of Emergency

We recommend you have engraved an I.C.E. (In Case of Emergency) phone number on the back of your item. IE who you want to be called in an emergency.  If you can fit the relationship to you into the ICE we recommend you do e.g ICE Sister 03 6381 1440.  Their relationship with you is more relevant than their name.


Engraving examples for Emergency ID medical alerts

We can engrave full wording or medical abbreviations can also be used. See guides below. The less characters used, the larger we can engrave.

We also recommend that you were or carry more than 1 Emergency ID eg Emergency ID Photo Card, Emergency ID Medical Pouch, Emergency ID Write on card etc.

MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS commonly used in Australia:

Please also consult your GP, specialist or medical professional and do your own research.

AAA           abdominal aortic aneurysm
A&E           accident and emergency
abdo          abdomen/abdominal
ABG           arterial blood gas
ac               before meals
ACLS         advanced care life support
ACS           acute coronary syndrome
AED           automatic external defibrillator
AF, A/F      atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter
AFlut          atrial flutter
AICD          automated implantable cardioverter defibrillator
ALS            advanced life support
AMI             acute myocardial infarction
angio          angiogram
ART            arterial line (used for invasive pressure monitoring)
ATLS          advanced trauma life support
AV              atrioventricular
AVR           aortic valve replacement

BGL            blood glucose level
BLS            basic life supoort
BP              blood pressure

Ca              cancer/calcium
CABG         coronary artery bypass graft
CAD           coronary artery disease
Card           cardiac
cap             capsule
CCB           calcium channel blocker
CCF           congestive cardiac failure
CCU           coronary care unit
CF              cystic fibrosis
CHF           congestive heart failure
cm              centimetre
CNS           central nervous system
COAD        chronic obstructive airway disease
CO              carbon monoxide
CO2           carbon dioxide
COPD        chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPAP         continuous positive airways pressure
CPR           cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CSF            cerebrospinal fluid
CT              computerised tomography
CVA           cerebrovascular accident
CVL            central venous line
CWMS       colour warmth movement sensation
CXR           chest x-ray

DCI             decompression illness
DIC             disseminated intravascular coagulation
DKA           diabetic ketoacidosis
DM             diabetes mellitus
DOB           date of birth
Dr               doctor
DVT            deep vein thrombosis

eARF          electronic ambulance report form
ECG           electrocardiogram
ED              emergency department
EEG           electroencephalograph
EMD           electromechanical dissociation
Emerg        emergency department
ENT            ear, nose and throat
ERYC        erythromycin
ETT            endotracheal tube

FAST          focused abdominal sonography for trauma
FBC            full blood count
FiO2           fractional inspired oxygen concentration
FR             first responder

g                 gram(s)
GA              general anaesthesia
GABA         gamma amino butyric acid
GI               gastrointestinal
GIT             gastrointestinal tract
GORD        gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder
GP              general practioner
GU              gastric ulcer

Hb              haemoglobin
HI               head injury
HIV             human immunodeficiency virus
hrs              hours
Hx               history

ID band      patient identification band/bracelet
IBS             irritable bowel syndrome
IDC             indwelling catheter
IDDM          insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IHD             ischaemic heart disease
IM               intramuscular
IMI              intramuscular injection
IO               intraosseous
ICC             intercostal catheter
ICD             implantable cardioverter defibrillator
ICP             intracranial pressure
ICU             intensive care unit
INH             inhalation
inj               injection
IV                intravenous
IV                inf intravenous infusion
IVABs        intravenous antibiotics
IVI               intravenous injection
IV Morph    intravenous morphine

JVP            jugular venous pressure


KCI             potassium chloride
kg               kilogram
Ko’d            knocked out
KSAR         known severe adverse reactions
KVO           keep vein open


L                 litre
LA              local anaesthetic
LAD            left anterior descending (coronary artery)
lat               lateral
LBBB          left bundle branch block
LFT            liver function test
LMA           laryngeal mask airway
L/min          litres per min
LMA           laryngeal mask airway
LOC           loss of consciousness
LVF            left ventricular failure


MAOIs        monoamine oxidase inhibitors
MAP           mean arterial pressure
Max            maximum
mcg            microgram
mg              milligram
MI               myocardial infarction
mL              millimetre(s)
mmHg        millimetres of mercury
mmol          millimole
MO             medical officer (doctor)
MS             multiple sclerosis
MVA           motor vehicle accident
MVR           mitral valve replacement

n/a              not applicable
NAD           nil abnormality detected
NAS           intranasal
NC              nasal cannulae
NEB           nebulised
NFR           not for resuscitation
NG/NGT              nasogastric tube
NMDA        N-Methyl D-Aspartate
NOF           neck of femur
NOK           next of kin
NSAIDs     non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs
NSTEMI     non-ST elevation myocardial infarct


Obs            observations / vital signs
OE              on examination
OPD           outpatient’s department
OT              occupational therapy
O2              oxygen

P                 pulse
PaCO2       partial pressure of carbon dioxide (arterial)
PaO2          partial pressure of oxygen (arterial)
PAC           premature atrial contraction
PCI             percutaneous coronary intervention (coronary angioplasty)
PE              pulmonary embolism
PEA            pulseless electrical activity
PEF           peak expiratory flow
Physio       physiotherapist
PID             pelvic inflammatory disease
PJC            premature junctional contraction
PMHx         past medical history
PO              Per oral
post-op      post-operative
PPE            personal protective equipment
PPH           post-partum haemorrhage
p.r               per rectum
prn              when required
Pt                patient
PV              per vaginal
PVD           peripheral vascular disease
PVC           premature ventricular contraction


RBBB         right bundle branch block
RLQ           right lower quadrant
ROSC        return of spontaneous circulation
RSI             rapid sequence induction
RUQ           right upper quadrant
RV              right ventricle
RVF            right ventricular failure


SaO2          oxygen saturation
SB              sinus bradycardia
sc               subcutaneous
SFM           simple face mask
sl                sublingual
SNRI          serotonin and noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitor
SOB           shortness of breath
SR              sinus rhythm
SSRI          selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor
ST              sinus tachycardia
STEMI ST elevation myocardial infarction
SUBCUT    subcutaneous
SUBLING   sublingual
SVT            supraventricular tachycardia


TCA            tricyclic antidepressant
TCP            transcutaneous pacing
THR           total hip replacement
TIA             transient ischaemic attack
TKR           total knee replacement
TNK            tenecteplase
Tx               transplant


U/A             urinalysis
UDB           urinary drainage bag
URTI          upper respiratory tract infection
UTI             urinary tract infection


V/Q             ventilation perfusion (lung scan)
VEB            ventricular ectopic beat
VF              ventricular fibrillation
VT              ventricular tachycardia


WBC          white blood cells
WNL           within normal limits


y/o year old


#                 fracture
1/60            one minute
1/24            one hour
1/7              one day
1/52            one week
1/12            one month
<                 less than
>                 greater than
≤                 less than or equal to
≥                 greater than or equal to


CAN BE PRINTED THROUGH THIS LINK:  Australian Medical Abbreviations

To check medical abbreviations please consult a health professional or here are some example sites:


QAS-medical-Abbreviations.pdf (australianparamedicalcollege.com.au)


We are PROUD of our products, outstanding reputation and award-winning customer service. We even encourage you to compare us to our competitors, MedicAlert and Universal Medical ID, by viewing the comparison table on our home page. We thank you for supporting a 100% Founded, Owned & Operated AUSTRALIAN business that sends Emergency ID WORLDWIDE!