The Excellence in Innovation award recognises businesses that have made significant contributions to their industry through the introduction or improvement of an idea, method, technology, process or application.

WINNER: Emergency ID Australia.

Emergency ID Australia is a world leader in medical jewelry and emergency ID products.

They have been distributing nationally for nine years and now sell internationally from their office in Wauchope. Emergency ID Australias range has the ability to relay vital information about a patient if involved in an accident or medical incident. Hundreds of thousands of people wear or carry Emergency Id and experience the peace of mind their service provides.

In the past year they have increased their turnover by 23% by being innovative and introducing the worlds first Emergency ID APP. A new initiative is the Emergency ID SPOT program, a new patient information program designed to improve emergency care for people involved in car crashes or suffering serious illnesses at home. The “SPOTS‟ can be placed on a car or in a home and contain vital medical information which helps to ensure emergency treatment is administered within the first 60 minutes of a serious accident. Their initiatives have created great media and public interest, with their Facebook following increasing from 18000 to 40000 in the past 12 months.

“Being independently judged and recognised for our achievements in Excellence in Innovation means a great deal to myself and all our extended team. We are continually striving to excel and lead our field.

To be recognised for this gives us a real pat on the back and acknowledgment that we truly leaders in innovation. It’s a great honour and stamp of approval.

Thank YOU NSW Business Chamber, your support of businesses is essential to not just our individual business but to the Australian economy and the ongoing effect we have on creating success, jobs and local spending”

said Nicole Graham, Founder and Director, Emergency ID Australia.