If you would like to feature in ‘My Story’ and receive a free product, please keep reading to find out how to submit your emergency ID story to us.

Tell us why you wear or carry an emergency ID, how it has benefited you and if you have had feedback from friends, family, first aiders, paramedics or medical professionals.

Please include a photo. If your story is published, we will reward you with ANY Emergency ID Bracelet or Necklace pendant & chain OF YOUR CHOICE – for FREE!

Note: You must be a customer of ours. We will remove your surname, name or any identifying details for your privacy.

Submit your story & photo to director@emergencyid.com.au.


Click here to see our Emergency ID medical alert range of products

Our use of Testimonials & Reviews:

We proudly follow all ACCC (Australian Competition & Consumer Commission) guidelines for use of reviews and testimonials.  We also never remove any negative reviews from our website. All reviews are genuine and not edited in any way, except for obvious spelling errors.  Our reputation is very important to us, and we love playing by the rules so our customers receive fair and accurate information.  For more information regarding the ACCC on reviews and testimonials see Advertising and selling guide – Other promotional techniques | ACCC   Another reason why it’s good to shop Australian!